about us
We are Registered Nurse Health Educators specializing in Human Sexuality Instruction. We fertilize our community with science and evidence based research about Sexual and Reproductive Health.
Seed + Reap aims to shepherd our audience, yielding wise and healthy choices for themselves and their bodies.
Our learner is as early as 4th grade, but also as late as early adulthood. We spend a great deal of time investing in the other learner, the parent, who may need help navigating the public school system when it comes to HSI in the state of Texas.
Our Mission
Planting Seeds, founded in His truth, pairing Science and God, helping every learner Reap a Harvest with the choices they make, surrounding their bodies!
Our Values
Our Harvest is rooted in Jesus, and even though we are grateful when we are invited to walk along side His word and our content, having the opportunity to enter the lives of any learner, in any environment is a fruit bearing we are always honored to uphold.
“As a parent and fellow believer, who has her kids in public school, I knew this topic would one day be addressed by teachers. It's nice to know that we had another option when it came to sex-ed for our children. I'm grateful that Seed and Reap was able to align science and God for our home.”
– equipped to H A R V E S T mom