Want an alternative Sex-Ed option for your learner?

If you have a learner in public school…

Your Local School District and Board is required to choose curriculum at the recommendation of the School Health Advisory Council (SHAC), which is made up of community members – to best reflect the specific needs of said community. Texas Legislation mandates Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), which is overseen, amended and added to by the State Board of Education. The TEKS are blueprints from which local school districts draw their Human Sexuality Instruction (Sex-Ed) from, and there are 6 strands. It is also important to note that the TEKS are the floor, the minimum topics required to address. SHACs can approve content to exceed, include and align itself with additional ideals above the floor; content that “aligns with the needs of the community”. The strand that directly involves Sex-Ed is the 6th strand, Sexual and Reproductive Health.


You are not required to have your child participate in any Human Sexuality Instruction. In fact, as of September 2021, a parent must be made aware within 2 weeks of scheduled lesson in writing, and there must be written consent from a parent to receive any content surrounding this subject.


If you have a learner in another academic setting…

Many private schools, Christian or other, do not entertain a space for Sex-Ed until later in middle school. Introducing the basics of anatomy and change, regarding the science taking place within their bodies, is not only crucial but fundamentally important. We want to ensure they can accurately and successfully build on their knowledge, along side of their changes bodies and changing environment. 



Seed + Reap focus on the specifics below!

9-10 year old learners


Will learn the changes that occur during puberty and adolescent development, in addition to defining the menstrual cycle.

We educate on the transformation that occurs on the inside of the body, and therefore will manifest itself on the outside.

What to expect and how to handle the physical changes, making sure to accurately define the menstrual cycle and its purpose, will take precedence. 


We will pour truth regarding their ability to fulfill a plan designed by God within them, just by existing, and reinforcing that this time in their life is a gift, and one that now holds a new responsibility!

Female learners will walk away with a starter emergency kit, to include a teen maxi pad, wet wipe, mini plastic disposable bag, and the confidence to use it all! Male learners will walk away with a mini deodorant!

*it will be up to the commissioner of services to decide if these are to be taught co-ed or separate


Will build on what they learned in 4th grade in addition to focusing on the direct relationship between the purpose of the menstrual cycle and life.


The learner will be taken through conception, implantation and major milestones of fetal development, while highlighting the birthing process.

An emphasis on abstinence as the only means of avoiding what the female body is trying to create every single month, is not only part of legislation in the State of Texas, but a Seed + Reap priority!


We will remind them that there isn’t anything they experience that the Lord isn’t prepared for, or even experienced Himself. How He chose to enter this world just like they did, and walked within all of the same physiological changes as them.


*it will be up to the commissioner of services to decide if these are to be taught co-ed or separate

SEXUAL HEALTH – Sex Education

Educating on the consequences of sexually risky behavior, in the form of sexually transmitted diseases is a sensitive topic that Seed + Reap approach with evidence based data, coming directly from the Centers of Disease Control’s National STD Surveillance and is updated annually. 


We reiterate the importance of abstinence as the only 100% effective method of contraception and how waiting to have sex until you are married is the truest form of sexual risk avoidance. We take the learner through the most common STDs, signs and symptoms and what to do if they find themselves on the giving or receiving end of these diseases.


We speak directly into their hearts regarding their approach in relationships, and how the desire they have for closeness, intimacy and love, comes from their Creator, so we can be drawn right back to Him! We support their desire for acceptance, and encourage them to invest their chase of that emotional fulfillment in Jesus, as He is the only one that can truly fill it!


*it will be up to the commissioner of services to decide if these are to be taught co-ed or separate

Invest in the H a r v e s t

Suggested donation


(for groups smaller than 40)


(for groups larger than 40)

We are honored any time we are invited to marry science and God. Having an opportunity to share how He designed our bodies with intention and a plan, desiring for us to honor Him with the choices we make, and walking along side what science states regarding our creation and the sanctity of human life, is all the incentive we need to expand His truth.


Seed + Reap abides by state legislation and remains at the floor of the TEKS when invited into any public school.